Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Green Bee

I've seen it twice now so I guess I should tell whoever cares what I though of the Green Hornet. I liked it. I wasn't really expecting to like it going in, but was pleasantly surprised by it. Not a typical superhero type of movie, but still works for that type of film. Part action, part comedy, and part fun. That's my take on it.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The Coen Brothers latest cinematic effort, True Grit, was a fun ride into the old west, while retaining the brothers casual stylistic charm. I found myself laughing at the witty dialogue and at the smooth manner in which it was delivered. All the actors did fine jobs, but again I think that Jeff Bridges stole the show in his drunken portrayal of Rooster Cogburn. I'm not a big western fan, but this one was a pleasure to watch.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


I wasn't a huge fan of the original movie Tron, so when I went into the new Tron: Legacy movie, my expectations weren't that high. As far as I'm concerned the movie lived up to my expectations. I can understand why some people liked it, but I just wasn't one of them. The only thing that saved me from hating it is Jeff Bridges performance, as for the rest...yawn.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Geezers and Guns.

Tonight I took in the movie RED, which is on the surface a movie about retired killers getting back in the game. At it's heart though it's a funny little romantic comedy, or at least I found it so. Regardless, I enjoyed it. I've said it before and I'll say it again, no one pulls of crazy like John Malkovich. Need I say more?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Someone got taken alright.

I watched the new film Takers last night and all I can really say about it is that it was a movie that I watched. Didn't come with a refund, or a plot for that matter, and afterwards I just had a headache.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


You know I'm a sucker for Milla Jovovich films. I think at this point, if she made a movie where her character just stood in the kitchen washing dishes for two hours...I'd still go watch it, and probably enjoy it too. Thankfully, however, she usually stars in movies that are cooler than that, and I enjoy those too. None more than the Resident Evil flicks, however. The recent one, entitled Resident Evil: Afterlife, didn't really disappoint me in the Milla department. I don't think she has ever looked better or cooler than in this go round at killing zombies and tackling evil global corporations. So if you're a Milla fan like me, what are you waiting for? Get off your butt and go watch it! If you're not a Milla fan...I'm sure that Eat Love Pray movie is in some lame theater nearby.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Here's to Action Heroes!

The recent action extravaganza The Expendables is pretty much what you'd expect from an action movie, if it was the action movie to end all action movies! Kind of light on story, but with some subtle and not so subtle layers of subtext thrown in, just to make you smile a little and feel like a ponce about getting older. Then there's the action. Holy damn! It's been a while since I got wound up watching the action scenes of a movie, but this one hits you like that. While all the gunshots, kicks, and punches are slamming you from all sides, you get this brief moment of thinking..."So that's what it would look like if Rocky IV's Ivan Drago took on any of the number of bad asses Jet Li has played in movies for the the last several years. Good to know."